It is man nature to ask questions. We're a curious species, driving us to discover and learn nigh everything effectually us. Throughout human history, we've come up with every question you could think to ask, and we've answered many of them. But several hundred others remain unanswered and unfortunately, it seems they might remain that way until humans cease to exist.

Table of Contents

  • ane Mind Blowing Questions
  • 2 More Confusing Questions
  • iii Funny Unanswerable Questions
    • 3.1 Related Posts

If you're but similar the rest of us, then you might find it interesting to play around with a few confusing questions at present and then. Challenge your understanding and that of your family unit and friends past tossing around these questions that mess with your mind the next time you're at a get together.

Mind Blowing Questions

Mind Blowing Questions

We strive to larn the truth, but there are some truths that are and then hard to find that our human logic fails to calculate the right understanding. Then nosotros end upward leaving these questions unanswered, hoping that some solar day, the development of human intelligence – or perhaps fifty-fifty divine intervention – will reveal the answers to us and help usa become a better grasp of the realities around us.

  1. When did time begin?
  2. Did we invent math or did we discover information technology?
  3. Where does a thought become when information technology'due south forgotten?
  4. Do we have free will or is everything predestined?
  5. Is there life after death?
  6. Is it really possible to experience anything objectively?
  7. What are dreams?
  8. What is the goal of humanity?
  9. How long will yous be remembered after the twenty-four hours that you die?
  10. Which orangish came first – the fruit or the color?
  11. What is 'god'?
  12. Who decided what'southward correct and wrong?
  13. What is the purpose of setting goals if nosotros all die anyway?
  14. What is freedom and does it really exist?
  15. Which came first – the chicken or the egg?
  16. What makes you, yous?
  17. What age should a person be considered old enough to die of old age?
  18. How do yous know you lot're not crazy and merely hallucinating your whole life?
  19. To what degree take you been able to control the form that your life has taken?
  20. Is the Earth alive?
  21. Is it possible to know what is truly good and what is evil?
  22. If nosotros learn and ameliorate from our mistakes, why are we so afraid to make mistakes?
  23. Practise you lot ever actually exercise anything out of your ain conscious selection, or are nosotros ever controlled by some external stimulation or motive?
  24. Why are yous hither at this very moment in your life?
  25. Did yous arrive at this signal in your life because y'all willed information technology or considering you were destined to exist hither?
  26. Are soul mates a real thing?
  27. If we need to follow rules at all costs, then why do we make exceptions to these rules?
  28. Is there an cease to the universe, or does it simply keep going?
  29. Why does anything exist?
  30. What is the purpose and meaning of time?
  31. Do our man accomplishments have a long-term, universal significance, or when the earth ends, do we all finish with it, including what we've accomplished?
  32. Why do people have to die?

More Disruptive Questions

More Confusing Questions

While the initial list of questions explores more than provocative, deep contemplation, these disruptive questions might non feel as urgent or important. But the confusion they cause tin can make them a swell signal of conversation if you want to keep your family and friends preoccupied with debates on your next become together.

  1. If you dial yourself and information technology hurts, are you wear or are you lot strong?
  2. Why is it that if a premature baby is born earlier than a total-term baby, the preemie is considered older despite existing for a shorter period of time?
  3. If you took a ship and replaced all of its parts until none of the original parts are intact anymore, is it the same transport or a completely different transport?
  4. What shape is your field of vision?
  5. If you draw something as indescribable, haven't you already described it?
  6. Are nosotros living or slowly dying?
  7. Isn't skilful health just a slower charge per unit at which to die?
  8. What do people who are born deaf hear when they call back?
  9. How far up do baldheaded people become when they wash their confront?
  10. If a person dies at sea and only their arm is recovered, how would he be displayed in a casket? Does it need to be a full sized casket?
  11. If a babe'south butt pops out of its mother at 11:59 PM, and the head comes out at 12:01 AM, what solar day volition the baby exist declared to be born on?
  12. What do they call french kissing in France?
  13. If killing people is wrong, then why practice we kill people that kill people?
  14. If you're trying to fail and you succeed, did you neglect or did you succeed?
  15. If y'all expect the unexpected, doesn't that make the unexpected expected?
  16. How is it possible that the world is in debt?
  17. How important do yous take to be to exist considered assassinated and not but murdered?
  18. When you lot become to heaven, do yous wait as you practise at the age that you die?
  19. Why do people say that they 'slept similar a infant' if they slept through the nighttime when babies are known for not sleeping?
  20. Why is the alphabetical club that way? Who said that that'southward the order that it had to be?
  21. Why is Goofy considered a person and Pluto considered a pet when they're both dogs anyway?
  22. Tin blind people dream?
  23. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
  24. When they say that something is 'new and improved', how tin can it exist improved if it'southward new? What is it improving on?
  25. Why is the objective of golf to play the least corporeality of golf game?
  26. If a vampire bites a zombie, does the zombie go a vampire or does the vampire become a zombie?
  27. If God created Adam and Eve, did they have abdomen buttons?
  28. Why practice we hit our hands together when nosotros similar something? (clapping)
  29. Why do we base of operations our age off of the number of times nosotros went around a burning ball of gas?
  30. How do you know that you see colors the same way that another person sees them? For instance, what if what's red to you is blue to them, simply they nevertheless call it reddish?
  31. Is your respond to this question 'no'?
  32. In the word 'scent', which letter is silent? Southward or C?
  33. Isn't the word 'queue' simply the letter Q followed by 4 silent letters?
  34. What would a room made of mirrors look like if there was nothing inside that room to create a reflection?
  35. Was there ever a time when nothing existed or has something always been in being?
  36. If a cyclops were to close its eye, is it winking or blinking?
  37. Is a body transplant just the same as a brain transplant?
  38. What is the color of a mirror?
  39. If you had fun while you were wasting time, tin can you still say that you lot wasted time?
  40. Which arm rest is yours in the movie theater?
  41. Do dentists go to other dentists or do they treat their own dental care problems?
  42. How far east do you have to become before you lot start going west?
  43. If you were to dig a hole that went through the center of the earth and you jumped through, would you be falling or floating upward?
  44. Where practise they put the bible in libraries – fiction or non-fiction section?
  45. What happens when an immovable objects meets an unstoppable forcefulness?
  46. What would happen to the world's oceans if every person on Globe jumped into the h2o at the same time?
  47. When does it stop being partly sunny and kickoff to get partly cloudy?
  48. Why is vanilla ice cream color white when vanilla itself is color brown?

Funny Unanswerable Questions

Funny Unanswerable Questions

Hey, merely considering a question doesn't seem to have an answer to it, doesn't mean it has to be serious. There are lots of funny unanswerable questions out in that location that tin give you a good laugh and start a lot of lighthearted banter between you and friends. Try tossing these funny mindblowing questions effectually to get the laughs started.

  1. Are children who deed in R-rated movies immune to watch the picture when it'south done?
  2. Do yous consider eyebrows facial hair?
  3. If yous were shorter than someone, would it be possible to talk down to them?
  4. What hair color practice they put in baldheaded people'southward driver's licenses?
  5. Practise prison house buses have emergency exits?
  6. Can you stand backwards on a flight of stairs?
  7. Do they bury people with their braces still on or do they remove them?
  8. Why did they put the word 'dictionary' in the dictionary?
  9. What do y'all call a wing without its wings?
  10. Why exercise nosotros cook bacon and bake cookies?
  11. How do you grow a seedless fruit?
  12. If tomatoes are a fruit, is ketchup considered a smoothie?
  13. If you had a dream that none of your dreams would come true, and you woke upwardly and had none of your real-life dreams come true, would that exist a dream come up true?
  14. If you told someone to 'be a leader and not a follower', wouldn't they become a follower by following your advice?
  15. If anybody says that life is unfair, doesn't that hateful that life is off-white?
  16. If the early bird gets the worm, why benefit things come to those who wait?
  17. If you hate haters, does that make you a hater and will you hate yourself?
  18. What would happen if Pinocchio said 'My nose will grow at present'?
  19. If the fountain of youth tin brand you live forever, tin can y'all drown in information technology and still die?
  20. If Cinderella's shoe fit her perfectly, then why did it fall off?
  21. Who taught the offset e'er instructor?
  22. If nothing is impossible, then would information technology be possible for something to be incommunicable?
  23. Why do noses run but feet aroma?
  24. Why do they say that you accept a cold when your temperature goes up?
  25. If y'all drop your soap on the flooring, does the floor become clean or does the soap go muddy?
  26. Isn't information technology that when you await for the waiter to come up dorsum with your guild, y'all become the waiter in the process?
  27. When you lot purchase something that's made in China while y'all're in Communist china, does it nonetheless take the made in China tag?
  28. If the number 2 pencil is the well-nigh pop, why is it number 2?
  29. What was the first man to milk a cow trying to do?
  30. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, will we ever know it?
  31. Do caterpillars know that they're going to be butterflies or do they build the cocoon non knowing what will happen?
  32. If God sneezed, what would you lot say?
  33. If we evolved from monkeys, why are there nonetheless monkeys?
  34. If life is then short, why do we do things that we don't like and like and so many things that we don't practice?
  35. When all is said and washed, would yous have said more than yous have done?
  36. If a tree fell in a forest and no one is in that location to hear it, does it brand a sound?
  37. How did the person who invented the calendar know what day it was?
  38. Why did nosotros determine to give February simply 28 days when lots of other months take 31 days? Couldn't we have just taken some of the 31st days from other months and added them to Feb?
  39. If revenge is a dish that'due south best served cold, and revenge is sweet, then is revenge ice cream?
  40. Why are they called buildings if they're already built?